Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A day of rest, almost

We woke at 9.30 am, obviously all had been in need of a good nights sleep. We had stocked up at the supermarket in Gothemburg, so had round flatbreads for breakfast (Shannon thought they were a bit naan like) with sliced squares of cheese, ham and really stinky garlic salami.

The wet weather seemed to have passed. While the kids explored the camp Vanessa went though all the clothes and sorted out 2 loads of washing. We also had the tent out, erected and strung 2 drying lines out so the insides could dry. The waterproofing sprays were applied to the coats and the tent. As I was putting the now dry tent away the German chap in the next door cabin was hanging his up to dry; no translation needed, we both just burst out laughing.

The car was next, I emptied ½” of water from my boot tray, cleared and re-packed the rest of the gear and left the boot open to dry off. By the time everything had been cleaned, dried, treated and packed away it was 4 pm, so we had a wander around the camp and the neighbouring village, Hallekis. Not much here, but a pretty place considering its existence is based on industry, and it had a Co-op.

Apparently until recently you could only buy beer up to 2.5%, but this has been recently upped to 3.5%. Ooh! We'd finished the last of the Tesco wine as we'd only brought 6 bottles, and you can only buy wine from government outlets, so we were stuck with weak beer. The bucket earnt keep that night.

While it was a busy day it was also relaxing not having to be anywhere and just kicking back for a bit.

1 comment:

Phil said...

Hi Guys! Great to see some pictures again, did you find your camera Chris? All this rubbish weather, you should have stayed at home and only had drizzle and grey skies.